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Spring tourism
Transcarpathia is preparing to meet the "invasion" of tourists who want to enjoy the views with flowers. In Transcarpathia, an incredible saffron has already blossomed. In the snow, far from…

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Spring tourism

Transcarpathia is preparing to meet the “invasion” of tourists who want to enjoy the views with flowers.

In Transcarpathia, an incredible saffron has already blossomed. In the snow, far from civilization, but the first spring photographs “advertise” that particular type of tourism that both spring holidaymakers and Transcarpathians themselves are waiting for every spring.

Nature gradually begins to come to life, so Transcarpathians begin to prepare for the arrival of guests. It is in the spring that the peak of the invasion of tourists who want to see magnificent flower landscapes and natural landscapes, breathtaking. These landscapes are so diverse and rich in colors that sometimes you do not believe in their reality.

Already now it is worth taking care of tickets and planning a trip for those who want to enjoy the fantastic purple phenomenon – blooming crocuses. Usually these flowers begin to bloom actively after mid-March. The “pilgrimage” of tourists to flowering places is not as popular as, say, in the Valley of Daffodils, but every year more and more people learn about these amazing places. And those who have already seen the mass flowering of crocuses, assure: this can not be found.

Crocus valleys can be found in the village of Kolochava. This settlement of Transcarpathia has repeatedly been included in the ratings of villages that are mandatory for visiting Ukraine. There are 10 museums and 20 monuments. Active tourist life in Kolochava – festivals, authenticity, local color. Kolochava is located in the Mezhgorsky district in the picturesque Tereblyanskaya valley, located 30 kilometers from Lake Synevyr. Crocuses are another reason to go to Kolochava.

Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases

A little later, in April, some settlements of Transcarpathia – in particular, Uzhgorod – turn into a “hive”. The streets are filled with tourists, because during this period an incredible and luxurious phenomenon takes place here – sakura blossoms. Probably everyone knows about this “flourishing period”. The number of tourists is growing annually. Hotel reservations are reserved several weeks in advance. Locals who are accustomed to strolling in the center or promenades at the weekend are unlikely to sit on their favorite terraces, or calmly walk through cozy places – tourists are everywhere. As Transcarpathian comedians joke, in order to take a picture correctly against the background of sakura, you need to hold a selfie stick in your right hand, and fight off other tourists with your left.

Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases

Accurately predicting when exactly sakura blossoms in full force is also not easy. Previously, trees bloomed en masse in early May, so most of the guests should be expected on May holidays. At this time, a festival of winemakers – “Sunny Drink” is held in Uzhgorod, so you could enjoy the beauty of trees and literally feel Transcarpathia “taste”. For even more popularization in Uzhgorod organized the festival “SakuraFest”. True, there have been cases when this event was held even when the trees were flowering – sakura blossoms for no more than two weeks, and windy weather in a day can completely “remove” the color from the branches. Tourists have to take photos in the pink snow.

Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases

The third, indispensable point of blooming Transcarpathia is the Valley of daffodils. It is difficult to predict when this area will bloom. It happened that already in mid-April the valley was massively covered with white. Sometimes the peak of flowering occurred precisely on the May holidays. In the cold spring, the narcissus begins to bloom 5-10 days later than the annual average; in warm years, the process of bud blooming is faster. In recent years, the Valley of Daffodils abounds in color without delay.

Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases

And the Valley of Daffodils is not so simple: every year there are fewer flowers. The reason for this is climate change and soil composition; the flowers lack moisture. The human factor also causes harm. During the period of mass flowering of flowers, the Valley of Daffodils receives, on average, four to five thousand visitors per day. Despite the ban, tourists “break through” into the clearing to take a photo in the “White Sea”. And for plants it does not pass without a trace.

Transcarpathians are glad to see guests at the blossoming local charms, but they ask to respect what nature has awarded this fantastically attractive region with respect.

Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases Spring tourism: Where in Transcarpathia to look for beautiful flower oases

The main thing at the same time everyone should remember about responsibility. In Transcarpathia, many types of early flowering plants grow – snow-white snowdrop, bifurcule sprout, spring white bloom, Heifel saffron, chess grouse, spring primrose, anemone, alpine whitewash, small stars.

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