Perfect yacht voyage in Croatia
How great it is to have people around you who are pushing you to decisive action. One evening, at a party with us, my husband’s colleagues offered to fly to…

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What sights to see in the Swedish ski resort of Auray?
The Swedish ski resort of Ore is an attraction in itself, because it stretched as much as 20 km along the shore of Lake Oreshen. There is no longer such…

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Reverse side of the holiday on the Cote d'Azur.
Having settled permanently in Germany, we decided to drive Europe by car during our summer vacation. Having visited Spain, France, we stopped on the Cote d'Azur. This was our first…

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Mezhgorsky district

Spring tourism

Transcarpathia is preparing to meet the “invasion” of tourists who want to enjoy the views with flowers.

In Transcarpathia, an incredible saffron has already blossomed. In the snow, far from civilization, but the first spring photographs “advertise” that particular type of tourism that both spring holidaymakers and Transcarpathians themselves are waiting for every spring.

Nature gradually begins to come to life, so Transcarpathians begin to prepare for the arrival of guests. It is in the spring that the peak of the invasion of tourists who want to see magnificent flower landscapes and natural landscapes, breathtaking. These landscapes are so diverse and rich in colors that sometimes you do not believe in their reality. Continue reading

What sights to see in the Swedish ski resort of Auray?
The Swedish ski resort of Ore is an attraction in itself, because it stretched as much as 20 km along the shore of Lake Oreshen. There is no longer such…


Paris, which is not in the travel guide
Why just sit and discuss literature, "decided two Ukrainians - Maryana Gavak and Elena Yashchuk-Codé, who live in Paris, and organized Literary Walks. This is a project when the capital…


Youth holidays in Tunisia
It so happened that my two friends got married in September with a weekly difference, and we decided to fly out to the sea for a week with a company…
