Fairytale winter in Helsinki
Where it is good to have a rest in the winter is in Helsinki. Fabulously beautiful city in the winter. Not very cold. A lot of interesting activities for this…

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Old Town Constantine
He suspected that the name of the Starokonstantinov was somehow connected with the name of the founder of the Ostrog Academy Konstantin Ostrogsky. The guess was brilliantly confirmed when he…

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Great family vacation in Dubrovnik
Dubrovnik - The "Heart" of Croatia beckoned us to dream of visiting the externally beautifully preserved medieval city. The pearl of the Adriatic hit even on the ferry, when we…

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Unknown Iran

… Either sanctions and international reputation, or an unjustified association with the ever-belligerent Iraq, did not allow this authentic state to take its rightful place in the pages of tourist guides. And despite some difficulties, which will be discussed later, Iran left an indelible impression and confidently falls into the top 5 countries that are required to visit.

All on the shelves laid out by an experienced traveler Denis Mamontov.


For those who have not yet been to Baku, transit through this city on the way to Tehran will be a pleasant route. We had just enough daylight to take a walk along the local popular promenade, admire the skyscrapers that had long forgotten about the scoop of Azerbaijan, walk through the old city, take pictures at the site of the famous Damn it. Continue reading

Bajao people

The people of bajao, or, as they are called, sea gypsies, do not have documents, citizenship or any rights. They roam the ocean with their homes off the coast of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. There are more than a million of them and this is the most unprotected layer of the population, practically not in contact with civilization.

Close your eyes and imagine the paradise of our planet. Warm water shimmers with 50 shades of blue and caresses the white sand. Flocks of colored fish and sea turtles encircle your boat, approaching an island with spreading palm trees at low speed. An ideal picture of a place where there are no problems, city bustle and the passage of time and where there is no mobile connection. Continue reading

Closer to Europe. How tourism is reviving in Transcarpathia

The sign on the exit from Uzhgorod shows a distance of 745 km to Kiev. Locals joke: Transcarpathia is closer to 12 European capitals than to the capital of Ukraine. Today, this region is becoming a real tourist competitor not only to the hyped Ukrainian Lviv, but also to neighboring Hungary and Slovakia.

“Transcarpathia is a tourist Klondike, in each of 13 districts there is some kind of zest that can attract tourists,” says Denis Man, a young and energetic head of the Department of Economics of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration. It was with his arrival in the region that a real tourist boom began. Decentralization also helped: in 2017, a record 3 million UAH was allocated here for the development of tourism – a huge amount for Transcarpathia. Continue reading

Lemurian Lake: an unusual story of popularity
The unique Lemurian lake in the south of the Kherson region has recently attracted more and more tourists - with the unusual pink color of the water, from which it…


Great family vacation in Dubrovnik
Dubrovnik - The "Heart" of Croatia beckoned us to dream of visiting the externally beautifully preserved medieval city. The pearl of the Adriatic hit even on the ferry, when we…


Transcarpathia: impossible not to fall in love
From childhood, getting used to the summer holidays, we try to plan our holidays exclusively for July-August. Yes, it’s warmer in summer, and you don’t need to beg children from…
