Where good rest in the winter in Bukovina?
Although Chernivtsi region is one of the smallest among Ukrainian regions, it boldly claims to be one of the leading places in the list of the most interesting for winter…

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10 most typical souvenirs from the Czech Republic
The selection and purchase of souvenirs in the countries where the vacation takes place has long been a pleasant tradition among tourists from all over the world. It is difficult…

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Perfect yacht voyage in Croatia
How great it is to have people around you who are pushing you to decisive action. One evening, at a party with us, my husband’s colleagues offered to fly to…

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social protection

Bajao people

The people of bajao, or, as they are called, sea gypsies, do not have documents, citizenship or any rights. They roam the ocean with their homes off the coast of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. There are more than a million of them and this is the most unprotected layer of the population, practically not in contact with civilization.

Close your eyes and imagine the paradise of our planet. Warm water shimmers with 50 shades of blue and caresses the white sand. Flocks of colored fish and sea turtles encircle your boat, approaching an island with spreading palm trees at low speed. An ideal picture of a place where there are no problems, city bustle and the passage of time and where there is no mobile connection. Continue reading

Kvevri, Khachapuri and the sea
The flow of foreign tourists to the country is growing annually, while the Georgians themselves hardly rest at home Back in early April, more than 98% of hotels were booked…


Perfect stay in Sveti Stefan
This was our first trip to Montenegro. We chose the time to relax, having studied the information on the sites about the average temperatures of water and air. They decided…


On bikes across the Carpathians
Rest on a bike? Why not. In the mountains? Easy! Such thoughts can “infuse” not only in the minds of cycle enthusiasts with experience. Having seen photos and videos about…
