Where good rest in the winter in Bukovina?
Although Chernivtsi region is one of the smallest among Ukrainian regions, it boldly claims to be one of the leading places in the list of the most interesting for winter…

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TOP 5 cities by the Mediterranean that are worth a visit
According to the publication, traditionally cities such as Rome or Barcelona are considered the most popular among tourists, and this is well deserved. However, these two cities can also be…

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Spring tourism
Transcarpathia is preparing to meet the "invasion" of tourists who want to enjoy the views with flowers. In Transcarpathia, an incredible saffron has already blossomed. In the snow, far from…

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gas chamber

Ski resorts in Scandinavia

If you decide to relax in the winter, then go skiing. This is a very useful activity and a fashionable type of outdoor activity. The real center of skiing is Scandinavia. The countries of northern Europe are famous for their ski resorts. Among them are Finland, Norway and Sweden. Compared to other well-known European resorts, Scandinavian ski resorts are also organized at a high level. A ski infrastructure is developed here, tourist services are held at the highest level, but at lower prices than in alpine resorts. The countries of Scandinavia are famous for their amazingly beautiful nature and excellent climatic conditions for skiing. From November to April there is snow on the slopes; accordingly, skiers have the opportunity to enjoy the long season. Let us consider in more detail the best resorts of each of the countries of Scandinavia.

The closest to our country are ski resorts in Finland. To list all of them does not make sense, since there are many of them for every taste. The choice of place for an active winter holiday depends on the level of training and other circumstances. There are training schools where you can learn to ride and improve your skills. Continue reading

Family holidays in Berdyansk

The sun is merciless, but it’s important these days to warm up and poke in the sea so as not to get sick in winter. Everyone was free from work and study, so there is nothing to worry about, you can calmly leisurely revel in ease.

The water has warmed up perfectly, so swimming with great pleasure. Placed in the private sector, service at altitude, clean, well-groomed, fed, there are playgrounds for children, parking, internet. Around the rooms there are flowers, there is a fountain and a small lake, many gazebos where you can sit in the evening to drink tea or eat ice cream.

They always took extra clothes with them, because the guys with us would suddenly get colder, just in case they took the necessary medicines, and of course, more money. Continue reading

An unforgettable vacation for two in Jacksonville

I have long dreamed of visiting the state of Florida. The advertised Miami somehow frightened, but, at first glance, the inconspicuous Jacksonville was exactly the opposite – it attracted. Especially if there lives a person very close to the heart.

Visit Jacks (as the locals call him) fell in May 2017. I just flew from Kiev to a conference in New York, and after it I decided to drop in for a three-day visit to a close friend. Frankly, May fits perfectly. Firstly, ticket prices are not so high, since the tourist season has not yet begun. For comparison: the flight from Kiev to Jacksonville and back cost me $ 780. If you buy a ticket for July, then the price will be at least $ 900. Secondly, in May there are not many tourists, the beaches are half empty. Thirdly, spring is not so hot. The sun in Florida is already painfully frying. I can hardly stand the heat, so I do not regret that I flew in May. It is also known that in the summer and especially in the fall in Jacks the rainy season begins, it often floods so that it is impossible to get to work. Hurricanes also come from time to time. It is noteworthy that in Jack is not as hot as in Miami, although there are also subtropics and palm trees at every turn. Continue reading

Perfect stay in Sveti Stefan
This was our first trip to Montenegro. We chose the time to relax, having studied the information on the sites about the average temperatures of water and air. They decided…


Ski resorts in Scandinavia
If you decide to relax in the winter, then go skiing. This is a very useful activity and a fashionable type of outdoor activity. The real center of skiing is…


Lemurian Lake: an unusual story of popularity
The unique Lemurian lake in the south of the Kherson region has recently attracted more and more tourists - with the unusual pink color of the water, from which it…
