Transcarpathia: impossible not to fall in love
From childhood, getting used to the summer holidays, we try to plan our holidays exclusively for July-August. Yes, it’s warmer in summer, and you don’t need to beg children from…

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Old Town Constantine
He suspected that the name of the Starokonstantinov was somehow connected with the name of the founder of the Ostrog Academy Konstantin Ostrogsky. The guess was brilliantly confirmed when he…

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What to see in Israel
To see Israel in all its diversity, you will have to devote several holidays to it: a huge number of cultural and natural attractions are concentrated on a small area,…

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Latino worked there

An unforgettable vacation for two in Jacksonville

I have long dreamed of visiting the state of Florida. The advertised Miami somehow frightened, but, at first glance, the inconspicuous Jacksonville was exactly the opposite – it attracted. Especially if there lives a person very close to the heart.

Visit Jacks (as the locals call him) fell in May 2017. I just flew from Kiev to a conference in New York, and after it I decided to drop in for a three-day visit to a close friend. Frankly, May fits perfectly. Firstly, ticket prices are not so high, since the tourist season has not yet begun. For comparison: the flight from Kiev to Jacksonville and back cost me $ 780. If you buy a ticket for July, then the price will be at least $ 900. Secondly, in May there are not many tourists, the beaches are half empty. Thirdly, spring is not so hot. The sun in Florida is already painfully frying. I can hardly stand the heat, so I do not regret that I flew in May. It is also known that in the summer and especially in the fall in Jacks the rainy season begins, it often floods so that it is impossible to get to work. Hurricanes also come from time to time. It is noteworthy that in Jack is not as hot as in Miami, although there are also subtropics and palm trees at every turn. Continue reading

First and unforgettable spring break alone in New Jersey County

It just so happened that I teach sociology at the university. Once I found on the site of scientific conferences one sociological, held in the town of Madison, New Jersey, in May 2017. And she decided to fly. A visa at the US Embassy issued just for participating in a scientific event. I note that for a scientist, any opportunity to travel outside the country is a vacation: new people, contacts, a new atmosphere.

I think that May is a pretty good time of the year for conferences. It was plus 15-16, it rained. I had to spend two days in trousers, a sweater with long sleeves and a light jacket. Even take an umbrella with you. But this is better than snow, because I had to go by taxi, especially in the evening.

I had to fly to New York. Departure from Kiev at 5.45 to Amsterdam, then almost 8 hours from Holland. In New York, she was at 13:00 US time, or at 20:00 Ukrainian time. Total 14 hours of summer and three hours by bus from Zhytomyr to the airport of Boryspil near Kiev. In America, it so happened that many universities are located in small towns. Continue reading

Busk Angels
Anyone who has ever visited Busk in Lviv region, in any case, falls on the market - a cultural phenomenon of a provincial town, where sellers from all over the…


Where good rest in the winter in Bukovina?
Although Chernivtsi region is one of the smallest among Ukrainian regions, it boldly claims to be one of the leading places in the list of the most interesting for winter…


What to see in Israel
To see Israel in all its diversity, you will have to devote several holidays to it: a huge number of cultural and natural attractions are concentrated on a small area,…
