Kvevri, Khachapuri and the sea
The flow of foreign tourists to the country is growing annually, while the Georgians themselves hardly rest at home Back in early April, more than 98% of hotels were booked…

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Impressive visit to Cannes Yacht Show
My husband dreamed for a very long time about visiting the famous international yacht exhibition, annually held on the French Riviera. And in some miraculous way, in September 2016, we…

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On bikes across the Carpathians
Rest on a bike? Why not. In the mountains? Easy! Such thoughts can “infuse” not only in the minds of cycle enthusiasts with experience. Having seen photos and videos about…

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because children

Caves of the Ternopil region: the most amazing gypsum caves in the world

Ternopol is an insanely beautiful city. However, if you have repeatedly visited him and the Ternopil region and know all the sights by heart, we suggest looking at the city from the other side – from under the ground. Indeed, in the Ternopil region are the most amazing gypsum caves in the world.

Caves of Ternopil: Crystal Cave

Caves of the Ternopil region: Crystal Cave The Crystal Cave is not only the most beautiful, it is also the oldest, since it was formed about 20 million years ago due to leaching of rocks by underground waters. Continue reading

Kvevri, Khachapuri and the sea

The flow of foreign tourists to the country is growing annually, while the Georgians themselves hardly rest at home

Back in early April, more than 98% of hotels were booked during the May holidays in Tbilisi. “We expect an influx of tourists from the end of April, mainly tourists from Russia come to us due to the long May weekends,” says Maria Khokhlova, manager of the Tkemali Tour travel company. Despite the fact that thanks to the “elder brother”, Georgia lost Abkhazia in the early 1990s, and South Ossetia in 2008 and the fact that the Georgian special services called the occupation of Georgian territories the main danger for the country, tourists from the country with tricolor are accepted here with traditional Georgian hospitality. After all, every tourist is money.

Rest for foreigners Continue reading

Paris, which is not in the travel guide

Why just sit and discuss literature, “decided two Ukrainians – Maryana Gavak and Elena Yashchuk-Codé, who live in Paris, and organized Literary Walks. This is a project when the capital of France itself becomes a big book, telling about the artists associated with it Among them, by the way, there are Ukrainian ones as well. The organizers dedicated a separate series to them, “Ukrainian Paris.” More about the project and its opening in an interview.


– How did the idea of ​​Literary Walks come about? Continue reading

Traveling in Switzerland
In fact, Zermatt is an ecological village. Most of the vehicles operating in this village are powered by electric drives, but there are also trucks and tractors with conventional diesel…


Budget winter for two in Phuket
The search for cheap housing with comfortable conditions was the first rebus, which, fortunately, we managed to solve positively. Positive, because we didn’t have any special requirements except for the…


Perfect yacht voyage in Croatia
How great it is to have people around you who are pushing you to decisive action. One evening, at a party with us, my husband’s colleagues offered to fly to…
