Unknown Iran
... Either sanctions and international reputation, or an unjustified association with the ever-belligerent Iraq, did not allow this authentic state to take its rightful place in the pages of tourist…

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What to see in Israel
To see Israel in all its diversity, you will have to devote several holidays to it: a huge number of cultural and natural attractions are concentrated on a small area,…

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Lemurian Lake: an unusual story of popularity
The unique Lemurian lake in the south of the Kherson region has recently attracted more and more tourists - with the unusual pink color of the water, from which it…

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dedicated to Ernest Hemingway

Paris, which is not in the travel guide

Why just sit and discuss literature, “decided two Ukrainians – Maryana Gavak and Elena Yashchuk-Codé, who live in Paris, and organized Literary Walks. This is a project when the capital of France itself becomes a big book, telling about the artists associated with it Among them, by the way, there are Ukrainian ones as well. The organizers dedicated a separate series to them, “Ukrainian Paris.” More about the project and its opening in an interview.


– How did the idea of ​​Literary Walks come about? Continue reading

A wonderful family vacation in Side in June
We decided this year to go to Side in June. Why in June? Yes, because the heat there at this time is not so "wild", and the temperature is comfortable…


Kvevri, Khachapuri and the sea
The flow of foreign tourists to the country is growing annually, while the Georgians themselves hardly rest at home Back in early April, more than 98% of hotels were booked…


Spring tourism
Transcarpathia is preparing to meet the "invasion" of tourists who want to enjoy the views with flowers. In Transcarpathia, an incredible saffron has already blossomed. In the snow, far from…
