Family Holidays in Stockholm
It was no coincidence that we went to Stockholm on vacation. Our very good friends went to this Swiss city 3 times already and always come back with new vivid…

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Old Town Constantine
He suspected that the name of the Starokonstantinov was somehow connected with the name of the founder of the Ostrog Academy Konstantin Ostrogsky. The guess was brilliantly confirmed when he…

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TOP 5 cities by the Mediterranean that are worth a visit
According to the publication, traditionally cities such as Rome or Barcelona are considered the most popular among tourists, and this is well deserved. However, these two cities can also be…

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day before – insurance

10 most typical souvenirs from the Czech Republic

The selection and purchase of souvenirs in the countries where the vacation takes place has long been a pleasant tradition among tourists from all over the world. It is difficult to deny yourself to keep a piece of culture, impressions and emotions, pleasing and surprising on vacation, as a keepsake. Collecting a variety of souvenirs for many has become a kind of hobby, because the features of these products characterize the country itself, its spirit and atmosphere. Often, craft products are a symbol of a certain people. What among the huge variety of souvenirs most precisely defines the Czech Republic? What souvenirs can not be found in any other country? They receive the highest recognition and love from travelers.

1. Pomegranate – a stone of a unique reddish-ruby hue can be found only in the Czech Republic. A large amount of this stone is mined in the country, jewelry made under the Granat brand from Turnov is made from it. When buying this stone, you should pay attention to the quality certificate, which the seller must issue. Without it, rice to acquire a fake is greatly increased. Continue reading

Unknown Iran

… Either sanctions and international reputation, or an unjustified association with the ever-belligerent Iraq, did not allow this authentic state to take its rightful place in the pages of tourist guides. And despite some difficulties, which will be discussed later, Iran left an indelible impression and confidently falls into the top 5 countries that are required to visit.

All on the shelves laid out by an experienced traveler Denis Mamontov.


For those who have not yet been to Baku, transit through this city on the way to Tehran will be a pleasant route. We had just enough daylight to take a walk along the local popular promenade, admire the skyscrapers that had long forgotten about the scoop of Azerbaijan, walk through the old city, take pictures at the site of the famous Damn it. Continue reading

Impressive visit to Cannes Yacht Show
My husband dreamed for a very long time about visiting the famous international yacht exhibition, annually held on the French Riviera. And in some miraculous way, in September 2016, we…


Rest in Sousse and an independent trip to Carthage
This year, in early May, we decided to warm up with my husband and fly to the sea. The choice fell on Tunisia, and more specifically - the resort of…


What sights to see in the Swedish ski resort of Auray?
The Swedish ski resort of Ore is an attraction in itself, because it stretched as much as 20 km along the shore of Lake Oreshen. There is no longer such…
