Paris, which is not in the travel guide
Why just sit and discuss literature, "decided two Ukrainians - Maryana Gavak and Elena Yashchuk-Codé, who live in Paris, and organized Literary Walks. This is a project when the capital…

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Reverse side of the holiday on the Cote d'Azur.
Having settled permanently in Germany, we decided to drive Europe by car during our summer vacation. Having visited Spain, France, we stopped on the Cote d'Azur. This was our first…

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Las Vegas
Vacation is a special time of fun and carefree. In search of positive emotions and vivid impressions, many go to where they are guaranteed to get both one and the…

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some money remains

Old Town Constantine

He suspected that the name of the Starokonstantinov was somehow connected with the name of the founder of the Ostrog Academy Konstantin Ostrogsky. The guess was brilliantly confirmed when he personally visited the famous city. And besides, as a prize, I received information about an interesting East Slavic civilization that existed on this territory in parallel with Kievan Rus. So I went well.


I noticed her as soon as I got off the bus at the bus station, and the question of where to put my footsteps fell away by itself. There was some concern that I would see something watery from the Soviet era, but acquaintance with brickwork reassured: undisputed antiquity. Moreover, as to my immature erudition, it was an elegant building in the Baroque style. Continue reading

Youth Holidays in Alanya
In early September, we flew to rest in Turkey for 6 days. We did not choose the best month, but the one on which we were given a vacation. There…


Bajao people
The people of bajao, or, as they are called, sea gypsies, do not have documents, citizenship or any rights. They roam the ocean with their homes off the coast of…


Perfect stay in Sveti Stefan
This was our first trip to Montenegro. We chose the time to relax, having studied the information on the sites about the average temperatures of water and air. They decided…
