Youth and family vacations in Nice
This year, the choice fell on sea vacations and we, with my husband packing our bags, went to the Cote d'Azur. We stayed in the neighboring town of Menton, but…

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Busk Angels
Anyone who has ever visited Busk in Lviv region, in any case, falls on the market - a cultural phenomenon of a provincial town, where sellers from all over the…

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Kvevri, Khachapuri and the sea
The flow of foreign tourists to the country is growing annually, while the Georgians themselves hardly rest at home Back in early April, more than 98% of hotels were booked…

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bay you will not be dispersed

Perfect yacht voyage in Croatia

How great it is to have people around you who are pushing you to decisive action.

One evening, at a party with us, my husband’s colleagues offered to fly to Croatia, rent a yacht and go camping. Ha, everyone laughed and died out. But a month later, the husband came home mysterious from work, persuaded to take a vacation, quickly pack up and trust him) I received the answers to questions 1000 and 1 in parts, as if I participated in the quest) Instead of a suitcase, I was asked to take 2 hiking backpacks, so I decided to miss don’t have to! And now our whole friendly company on the plane, a flight with transfers through Vienna, overboard – beautiful Austria.

September was not chosen by chance: firstly, there is no such full house at work as in summer and winter, and secondly, prices in September are lower than in season, and tourists are not crowds, but this is important. In fact, the same service for less money, and the weather continues to please, the sea is not cold, the sun’s rays warm, the sunrises delight. In short, September is a pretty good month for a cruise. Continue reading

Youth holidays on the Cote d’Azur – convenient Villefranche-sur-Mer

The “severe” necessity made us choose the month of June to rest. The semi-annual cartoon ended on June 20. And since I was raving for the third year with the idea of ​​returning to Nice, in March, without further thought, tickets were bought to the capital of the Cote d’Azur – the beauty of Nice. No wonder the Russian aristocrats and the royal family loved her so much.

One of the biggest advantages of relaxing on the Cote d’Azur is the simplicity and accessibility of movement. For one and a half euros you can go to any town or village of the Cote d’Azur. Transport launched very conveniently. And even if you choose the place of residence not Nice itself, but, for example, the town of Villefranche, then you can get to it without problems. It is enough to catch the bus number 100, which goes from the port directly to Monaco and further to Menton. Continue reading

Bajao people
The people of bajao, or, as they are called, sea gypsies, do not have documents, citizenship or any rights. They roam the ocean with their homes off the coast of…


Youth Holidays in Montenegro
Initially, we chose Serbia for the rest, but since there is no sea there, our company decided to combine the two countries for vacation. For living in Montenegro, Perast was…


Caves of the Ternopil region: the most amazing gypsum caves in the world
Ternopol is an insanely beautiful city. However, if you have repeatedly visited him and the Ternopil region and know all the sights by heart, we suggest looking at the city…
