Romantic Tunisia
As they say, “there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped” - we planned a vacation at sea at the end of July and the first half of August, it…

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Unknown Iran
... Either sanctions and international reputation, or an unjustified association with the ever-belligerent Iraq, did not allow this authentic state to take its rightful place in the pages of tourist…

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Transcarpathia: impossible not to fall in love
From childhood, getting used to the summer holidays, we try to plan our holidays exclusively for July-August. Yes, it’s warmer in summer, and you don’t need to beg children from…

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traveled by train

Youth and family vacations in Nice

This year, the choice fell on sea vacations and we, with my husband packing our bags, went to the Cote d’Azur. We stayed in the neighboring town of Menton, but spent most of our time with friends in beautiful Nice.

In the entertainment town there are few except banal parks, museums, the old city and the like, there is nothing. Therefore, extreme people here will definitely have a hard time. We, in turn, occupied ourselves with walks along Angliysky Boulevard, narrow streets and along the promenade. Also admired the Flower Market and Place Massena. The old city presented itself as beautiful architecture thoroughly saturated with the Italian spirit (oddly enough) and tiny platforms with terraces of restaurants. They were engaged in eating ice cream and looked into the shops with the fragrant herbs of Provence. Continue reading

Budget winter for two in Phuket
The search for cheap housing with comfortable conditions was the first rebus, which, fortunately, we managed to solve positively. Positive, because we didn’t have any special requirements except for the…


Bajao people
The people of bajao, or, as they are called, sea gypsies, do not have documents, citizenship or any rights. They roam the ocean with their homes off the coast of…


Youth holidays on the Cote d'Azur - convenient Villefranche-sur-Mer
The “severe” necessity made us choose the month of June to rest. The semi-annual cartoon ended on June 20. And since I was raving for the third year with the…
