Spring tourism
Transcarpathia is preparing to meet the "invasion" of tourists who want to enjoy the views with flowers. In Transcarpathia, an incredible saffron has already blossomed. In the snow, far from…

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What sights to see in the Swedish ski resort of Auray?
The Swedish ski resort of Ore is an attraction in itself, because it stretched as much as 20 km along the shore of Lake Oreshen. There is no longer such…

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Holidays in Hua Hin
In early May, flew to Thailand. I picked up the time successfully - the heat is already decreasing, the number of tourists is normal, and there is almost no rain.…

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beautiful places and nature

Shanghai is the most western city in the East

When I first arrived in Beijing last year, I realized that I was apparently poorly prepared for this city. I imagined a stormy megalopolis crowded with people, where the verticals of huge skyscrapers intersect countless horizons of multi-level autobahns, where the ultramodern technologies of one of the most advanced countries of the world meet the traditions and color of one of the most ancient civilizations. My imagination drew a mixture of the scenery from the movie “Blade Runner” with the images of modern Asian cities that I saw on TV.

By no means do I want to say that Beijing disappointed me – not at all, it was just here that I first understood what the concept of “Asia” means in the urban dimension. Here, a lot of money meets with bright poverty. Continue reading

Turkish coast. How in 20 years Turkey has become a mecca of world tourism

A historian by training, Kayhan Dinchmen moved to the Anatolian coast from a small town on the Black Sea coast of Turkey in 1996. He decided to master the profession of Turgid. He drove around the region even few tourists, showed them ancient cities and talked about antiquity. This work brought more money than teaching or academic studios.

In Kemer, where he settled, 5-6 thousand people lived, and few thought about tourism as a business. However, life soon changed dramatically. Investors came to the region and built the first hotel for Italians in Kemer – Turban Italia with an all inclusive leisure system. The hotel was more than in demand. Soon, hotels in Kemer began to grow like mushrooms after the rain. Continue reading

Unknown Iran

… Either sanctions and international reputation, or an unjustified association with the ever-belligerent Iraq, did not allow this authentic state to take its rightful place in the pages of tourist guides. And despite some difficulties, which will be discussed later, Iran left an indelible impression and confidently falls into the top 5 countries that are required to visit.

All on the shelves laid out by an experienced traveler Denis Mamontov.


For those who have not yet been to Baku, transit through this city on the way to Tehran will be a pleasant route. We had just enough daylight to take a walk along the local popular promenade, admire the skyscrapers that had long forgotten about the scoop of Azerbaijan, walk through the old city, take pictures at the site of the famous Damn it. Continue reading

An unforgettable vacation for two in Jacksonville
I have long dreamed of visiting the state of Florida. The advertised Miami somehow frightened, but, at first glance, the inconspicuous Jacksonville was exactly the opposite - it attracted. Especially…


Where to stay in Indonesia
In Indonesia, quality and comfortable hotels that are fully consistent with its official "star". There are 3 *, 4 *, 5 * hotels, in addition, many 5 * can be…


Where good rest in the winter in Bukovina?
Although Chernivtsi region is one of the smallest among Ukrainian regions, it boldly claims to be one of the leading places in the list of the most interesting for winter…
