Romantic Tunisia
As they say, “there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped” - we planned a vacation at sea at the end of July and the first half of August, it…

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Spring tourism
Transcarpathia is preparing to meet the "invasion" of tourists who want to enjoy the views with flowers. In Transcarpathia, an incredible saffron has already blossomed. In the snow, far from…

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Caves of the Ternopil region: the most amazing gypsum caves in the world
Ternopol is an insanely beautiful city. However, if you have repeatedly visited him and the Ternopil region and know all the sights by heart, we suggest looking at the city…

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more modern view

TOP 5 cities by the Mediterranean that are worth a visit

According to the publication, traditionally cities such as Rome or Barcelona are considered the most popular among tourists, and this is well deserved. However, these two cities can also be an ideal starting point for a more detailed study of the culture and traditions of other regions of the Mediterranean coast, where you can also find a lot of interesting things.

Valencia (Spain)

Valencia (Spain) The southeastern port city of Spain Valencia is home to two world-famous Spanish dishes: paella (saffron-colored rice with olive oil) and orchata (several types of soft drinks made from ground almonds, sesame, rice, barley or Chufa nodules). Both culinary creations can still be found throughout the city. Continue reading

Budget winter for two in Phuket
The search for cheap housing with comfortable conditions was the first rebus, which, fortunately, we managed to solve positively. Positive, because we didn’t have any special requirements except for the…


Fairytale winter in Helsinki
Where it is good to have a rest in the winter is in Helsinki. Fabulously beautiful city in the winter. Not very cold. A lot of interesting activities for this…


Bajao people
The people of bajao, or, as they are called, sea gypsies, do not have documents, citizenship or any rights. They roam the ocean with their homes off the coast of…
